【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade

【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade-资源站
【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade
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VaM Produce 69 The Second DLC Expansion and the Rise of the Third Season    【2024-11-01】

[After downloading this version, the old version can be deleted]

注意:共计20.5GB 14个分包压缩包,全部下载完全按照本页最下方的解压说明进行解压
Note: There are 14 sub-packaged compressed packages of 20.5GB in total. All downloads must be decompressed according to the decompression instructions at the bottom of this page.

此场景要求使用 VaM 本体 或更高版本(建议使用纯净版本体,整合版可能无法正常加载),解压后约21.8GB大小(包含全部依赖文件),打开主场景文件加载过程较慢(依个人电脑配置),放到addonpackages文件夹后,打开VaM_Produce_69场景后进入主界面,场景比较大,加载会比较慢。首先设置两个语言,再点保存设置,再点开始游戏(跳过),就会出来乐单列表总界面,在这个界面音乐列表中选择音乐就会加载(伴随有一段语音),加载完会重新返回到乐单列表总界面,此时按F3开始播放(各种镜头切换也是这个键),按F2键返回乐单列表总界面,如果黑屏尝试按F2乐单列表总界面。F8 键盘快捷键在暂停/恢复切换。

This scene requires the use of VaM body or higher (it is recommended to use the pure version, the integrated version may not load properly). After decompression, the size is about 21.8GB (including all dependent files). The loading process of opening the main scene file is slow ( 图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站图片[1]-【精】舞蹈【更新】VaM Produce 69 第二个 DLC 扩展包和第三季升级/[Fine] Dance [Updated] VaM Produce 69 Second DLC Expansion Pack and Season 3 Upgrade - 资源站-资源站
随着我们为即将推出的 VR/XR 版本做准备并优化内存使用情况,大量来自以前版本的依赖文件已更新。如果您想让文件更有条理,请参考以下列表获取清理指南:

As we prepare for the upcoming VR/XR releases and optimize memory usage, a large number of dependency files from previous releases have been updated.

to keep
safe to delete
Shadow Venom.VaM_Produce_69.18 所有先前版本。
All previous versions.
Shadow Venom.Motion_Libary_01.2 Shadow Venom.Motion_Libary_01.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_01.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_01.1
Shadow VenomStage_Assets_02.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_02.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_03.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_03.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_04.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_04.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_05.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_05.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_06.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_Assets_06.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_01.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_01.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_02.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_02.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_03.2 Shadow Venom.Stage_BGM_03.1
Shadow Venom.Stage_Voiceover_vol_01.4 所有先前版本。
All previous versions.

经过漫长的等待,VaM Produce 69终于带着史上最大的更新来了。从第一季的5个舞台和21首歌曲,到如今近100个舞台和超过280首歌曲,我们还特别激动地向大家介绍由@MonsterShinkai全新打造的偶像——诺艾尔。
After a long wait, VaM Produce 69 is finally here with the biggest update in history.

Special thanks to @MonsterShinkai for creating Noelle, an almost perfect idol.

Special thanks also go to @qingfeng141, whose tireless creativity over the years has not only brought rich and colorful cultural content to our community, but also made this DLC expansion possible.

Special thanks to @maru01 who is one of our costume creators, just like XXX.

Special thanks to @Juno for creating a customizable sacred tree that changes colors according to Season 3.

如果VaM玩家的收藏中一定要有的场景,这个场景绝对是其中之一。嗯,我们尽力了。我们,@Shadow Venom、@VL_13、@MonsterShinkai、@Farger、@Sally Whitemane、@Kinai,已经尽我们所能,基于几乎所有创作者在中心的天才创作,将其构建到接近这个标准。
If there is a scene that VaM players must have in their collection, this scene is definitely one of them.

这个场景不仅提供了令人惊叹的视觉盛宴和非凡的互动体验,还会因其出色的表现让你感到惊讶。它在大多数计算机配置上运行流畅,并已优化,兼容至少Nvidia RTX 1060或Radeon RX 580级别的硬件。
This scene not only provides a stunning visual feast and extraordinary interactive experience, but will also surprise you with its outstanding performance.

Please continue to enjoy this visual feast, from the abyss of the deep sea to the endless interstellar ocean.


Unzip instructions:

确保下载完全,共计14个压缩包,全部下载到电脑以后修改后缀名,把后缀名最后面的“ .rar删 ”  里的删字删除 ,恢复这14个压缩包的后缀名为“ .rar ”,然后进行解压,看图2

Make sure the download is complete. There are 14 compressed packages in total. After downloading all to the computer, modify the suffix name. Delete the deleted words in the “.rar delete” at the end of the suffix name, and restore the suffix name of these 14 compressed packages to “.rar”.

Figure 1
修改全部压缩包后缀名为.rar格式,然后在 part01单击右键,选择“解压到*********”,耐心等待解压完成,不用再去解压part02、part03……等,确保14个压缩包都下载完全,并且全部修改好以后,只需要解压part01即可完成解压!解压完成以后剪切解压出来的资源包放置在游戏资源目录中即可!
Modify the suffix name of all compressed packages in .rar format, then right-click on part01 and select “Extract to *********”. Wait patiently for the decompression to complete. There is no need to decompress part02 and part03…
Figure 2


  • ①:关于下载资源,如果资源失效,请在本贴下留言或联系管理。
  • ②:关于压缩密码,一般会有说明文档。如果没有,请点击此处查看说明文档,里面详细的介绍了压缩软件的安装使用和密码说明。
  • ③:关于新地址的发布页面【一号链接】【二号链接】建议收藏以备不时之需。
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